Collecktion.com is intended to be a fun, fair, and safe place for hobby enthusiasts.
By using Collecktion.com, you agree to the following terms of service:
1.) You may have a single account. Registering multiple accounts constitutes a violation of these terms of service.
2.) You may not register for someone else
3.) You may not register under a false identity.
4.) You must maintain contact information.
5.) Nussbaum Education Network (NEN) will NOT, under any circumstance, compensate buyers or sellers for any monetary loss incurred
as a result of using this site. BUYERS AND SELLERS enter any transaction as a result of using their site at THEIR OWN RISK
6.) Choose a UNIQUE password!
1.) You may not bid on your auction items or participate in your own breaks. Break randomization MUST occur on-site. In the event
a break has not been filled by the end of the registration date, the seller can extend the registration date, or, must return
funds. The seller is permitted to extend the registration date ONCE. In the event the break is not filed by the extended
registration date, the seller is required to cancel the break and return ALL funds to those who have paid for slots.
2.) You must abide by your stated terms of delivery.
3.) Buyer must be able to contact you.
4.) You agree that Nussbaum Education Network (NEN) has no part in any transaction between buyer and seller. NEN is not
responsible in the event of non-payment and will not, under any circumstance, compensate the seller for any monetary loss incurred
in dealings with any member of the site. The seller enters any transaction with a buyer on collecktion.com AT THEIR OWN RISK. In
addition, NEN is not liable for any items that are lost in mail, via UPS, via FedEX, via USPS, or any other delivery method. NEN
will not, under any circumstance, offer compensation for items lost in transit from seller to buyer or buyer to seller.
5.) NEN does not offer insurance of any sort for buyer or for seller. The seller enters any transaction with a buyer on collecktion
6.) Collecktion.com does not act as a broker between buyer and seller and DOES NOT collect or dispense payment on behalf of either.
7.) Contact information in the form of email address, physical address, and/or phone number is provided as a courtesy to buyers
and sellers to initiate off-site transactions. Any use of this information apart from those purposes is prohibited and may result
in account suspension or termination.
8.) Under no circumstance is NEN responsible for any abuse resulting from the sharing of or misuse of address, email address, or
phone number with any buyer or seller.
1.) If you bid on an auction item, and your bid is the winning bid, or, if your bid is accepted, or, if you purchase a slot or slot
s in a break, you must abide by the seller's stated terms. You must pay within the specified time period, and, by the specified
vehicle of payment. Failure to abide by these rules may result in account suspension or termination at the sole discretion of NEN.
2.) Seller must be able to contact the buyer or winning bidder. In the event the seller cannot achieve contact with the buyer or
winning bidder within 24 hours, the sale may be cancelled, and the buyer account may be suspended or terminated.
3.) You agree that Nussbaum Education Network (NEN) has no part in any transaction between buyer and seller. NEN is not responsible
in the event of non-delivery or seller fraud, and will not, under any circumstance, compensate the buyer for any monetary loss
incurred in dealings with any member of the site. The buyer enters any transaction with a seller on collecktion.com AT THEIR OWN
RISK. In addition, NEN is not liable for any items that are lost in mail, via UPS, via FedEX, via USPS, or any other delivery
method. NEN will not, under any circumstance, offer compensation for items lost in transit from seller to buyer or buyer to seller.
4.) NEN does not offer insurance of any sort for buyer or for seller. The seller enters any transaction with a buyer on collecktion
5.) Collecktion.com does not act as a broker between buyer and seller and DOES NOT collect or dispense payment on behalf of either.
6.) Contact information in the form of email address, physical address, and/or phone number is provided as a courtesy to buyers and
sellers to initiate off-site transactions. Any use of this information apart from those purposes is prohibited and may result in
account suspension or termination.
7.) Under no circumstance is NEN responsible for any abuse resulting from the sharing of or misuse of address, email address, or
phone number with any buyer or seller.
1.) Admins may NOT participate in their own contests
2.) Admins must grant stated rewards to contest winners. Admins must ship, send, or electronically transmit stated rewards within
ten (10) days of the end of the contest.
3.) Custom contests MAY NOT contain text, images, or links related to hate speech, politics, pornography, or defamatory content
regarding ANY individual. NEN has the sole authority to determine what constitutes a breach of this rule and may suspend or
terminate accounts in violation, or escalate to law enforcement.
1.) You may participate in each contest ONCE, or, as determined and stated by the creator of the contest. Any attempt to
circumvent this rule may result in account suspension or termination.
2.) NEN is not responsible for non-delivery of the prize or prizes specified by the contest creator to the contest winner. NEN
will not, in any circumstance, compensate the contest winner for non-receipt of such prize.
1.) Communications between members of this site ARE NOT CONFIDENTIAL. Buyers and sellers SHOULD NOT maintain the expectation of
confidentiality. In the event of a dispute between members of the site, NEN can review communications in an attempt to broker a
resolution or determine fault.
2.) Any communication determined to be defamatory, political in nature, abusive, threatening, disrespectful, sexual in nature, or
inappropriate, to members of this site, or, in regards to individuals not affiliated with this site, is strictly prohibited, and
may result in account suspension or termination. Such communications may also be forwarded to law enforcement at the sole
discretion of NEN.
3.) Contact information in the form of email address, physical address, and/or phone number is provided as a courtesy to buyers
and sellers to initiate off-site transactions. Any use of this information apart from those purposes is prohibited and may result
in account suspension or termination.
4.) Under no circumstance is NEN responsible for any abuse resulting from the sharing of or misuse of address, email address, or
phone number with any buyer or seller.
1.) NEN offers a digital space where sellers document their collections in the form of pictures, descriptions, and estimated
values. NEN is NOT responsible for the verification of ownership of ANY items a site member lists within the MY COLLECTION section
of their accounts. The appearance of items within the MY COLLECTION section of collecktion.com DOES NOT guarantee actual ownership
. NEN will NOT be held responsible for any financial loss incurred as a result of purchases or sales arising from the MY COLLECTION
section of the site. Under no circumstance will NEN compensate buyers or sellers for losses as a result of this kind of fraud.